Can anyone help with names of some registered maid agency in mumbai?

Shwetha Bhat

I need house maid services domestic help in mumbai. pl recommnd

Replies (6)

if you are looking for home maids in mumbai then try services. I personally recommend them. Very professional. I was looking for full time maids in mumbai and they helped me thoughout the selection process.

Vinita Vasant Chalke ABC

I am also looking for house maid services full time for my flat in juhu. Please give suggestions


does anyone know any house maid services in bhayander ?

Mega Khande

Hi , I want full time maid. I want passport holder so I can take her with me.


I need home wark

Saroj das

Plz help me to get a secure day care center or provide a maid at home for my 3 month old baby girl . place fateh nagar west Delhi.


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