English speaking maid in Juhu ?

Akshada Jadhav

I am looking for a english speaking nanny in juhu in mumbai. Can anyone help ?

Replies (11)

Mihika, I agree with you. I think its better that we converse with the child as much as possible in English. The nanny should be able to do all other work

Archana Raju

Why is English speaking nanny necessary? The child will learn English when he or she goes to school. It is poor parenting if you raise the child not to speak his mother tongue. He or she will have no connection with culture and roots if he or she is a native English speaker.

Narendra Patel

Has anyone tried bookmybai service before ?

Aarti Pandey

My english speaking baby sitter charges 35000 per month akshada. I also live in juhu

Manjula Gund

Akshada, If budget is not a problem then you can try contacting bookmybai. Even i was looking for a english speaking nanny but even bookmybai could not look for one in my budget. My budget was 10000. At last I had to settle for a nanny who could speak broken english for 14000 per month

Raj Kaur

Realllyy ?? Its that expensive? I was just about to post a request for english speaking maid in mumbai. But i think I have to now go for normal maid. Anyway I think English speaking maids in Mumbai are very pricey and difficult to handle

Mihika Kulkarni

English speaking nanny is very expensive. I had interviewed one and she was demanding 20000 per month.

Mariya Shaikh

Hey I can help you with a English speaking nanny


Hi Aarti, I have used bookmybai service. Very good and reliable. In fact one of my maids fell sick and wanted to go back to her village (Sangli). Since she was genuinely sick I didnt have a choice but to let her go. Bookmybai didnt ask any question and sent a replacement within 2 days. I am very happy

Varsha Ghare

Even I have used bookmybai.com to hire my nanny in bandra. When I was looking for a nanny I was running here and there. Calling up my friends. One friend recommended me bookmybai and from then onwards it was a smooth call. Got a nanny in one day. Shes been working for over 3 weeks now. No complaints.

Darshana Tawade

Got it! Thanks a lot again for helpnig me out!


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