Working now, do I need a camera to monitor baby sitter?

Darshana Ravnang

My baby is 5 months now, get a nurse, I then go to work. Do I need a camera to monitor baby sitter?

Replies (5)

Thanks! I asked momies around me, they got cameras from China, Safer. I now hesitate that I buy it from overseas or local.

Ravi Bhagnari

Yes... At least u ll hav peace of mind at work. I din wanna frighten u but after seeing what Pune maid has done its better to have camera set up to monitor the baby sitter.

Pinky Upadhayay

Ya, these days it's best to have a camera installed. You can be double sure that the baby sitter takes care of baby well. Cos I see in my apartments how careless few maids are with babies.


Shaiwali Poyekar use bookmybai. They are very reliable agency for maids in thane. I used their babysitter services in mumbai and they did not take any advance and i got a domestic maid in 2 days time. The cost to hire a maid was one months salary and they gave me 6 months of replacement. Very happy with bookmybai services

Namrata Dhawle

can any body recommend me a reliable 24 hour maid service mumbai ?

Shaiwali Poyekar

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